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'93 Reunion

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'98 Reunion, Pg. 3

'03 Reunion

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Jewelry by Bruce Moffitt

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Hillsboro, New Mexico deer hunt 2013. Pictures

Here are pictures I took of the 2013 deer hunt in the Hillsboro Mining District, SW of Truth or Consequences, New Mexico

Welcome sign, Hillsboro, NM

Chet's place in Hillsboro, our headquarters

Kitchen at Chet's place. Five of us in a single-wide was a bit cramped.

Dickie the Bronco at Greyback Wash.

Joel and Dr. Tom coming out of Grayback Wash.

Flowers in the desert.

Hard spot.

Dickie coming out of hard spot.

Tire changing time.

Joel hunting

Percha River valley.

Percha River Box from top.

Entrace to Cecil's Cave, side of Percha Box.

Inside of Cecil's Cave, which is an old Indian haunt.

Bottom of Percha Box near river.

Old road out of Percha Box.

Coming out of the Percha Box.

Joel's Ford in a hard spot.

Joel's Ford coming out of hard spot.

Hard uphill passage.

Rattlesnake, Western Diamondback, about 4 feet long.

End of a long, hard day.

A selection of Jewelry set with Australian Chrysoprase.
For more Chrysoprase Jewelry, and lots of other good stuff, visit my site at

Party on Class of 58!

CVHS 1958 Home Page

The 50th Reunion, 2008
50th Reunion Pictures, Page 1
50th Reunion Pictures, Page 2
50th Reunion Pictures, Page 3
'93 Reunion
'98 Reunion, Pg. 1
'98 Reunion, Pg. 2
'98 Reunion, Pg. 3
'03 Reunion
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Rude, Rough, Fun

Jewelry by Bruce Moffitt

Premier Systems.Com Website Design

Website Design by Bruce Moffitt
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